Hike and via ferrata to Monte Amariana 🔧🚶🏼‍♀️

Hike and via ferrata to Monte Amariana

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  • Curated by Claudio . Mountain Guides.

🗺️ Where is it located?

Region: Friuli-Venezia-Giulia
Province: UD
Municipality: Bitter

⛰️ Who is it suitable for?

Difficulty Intermedia , code EEA .

🤩 What are we doing?

It is an excursion for those who want to approach the world of via ferratas, but a sure step and good training are necessary.

🏔 Curiosities of the place

From the top of Mount Amariana the statue of the Madonna watches over the capital of Carnia, Tolmezzo. The pyramid-shaped mountain surrounded by stories and legends.

🎯 Practical advice

It is necessary to use a via ferrata kit: helmet, harness and lanyard for the equipped section present. Be careful of possible falling rocks from those in front of you or to yourself so as not to let them fall on other hikers.
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Code: CAI 414
Distance: 6.0 km
Duration: 5 hours and 25 minutes
Elevation difference: 860.0 meters d+


Location: Cristo di Forca/Lisagno car park
Altitude: 994 m


Location: Mount Amariana
Altitude: 1906 m


Season: Summer

Resources and useful links to help you plan your excursion:

Summit Diary

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