Via Ferrata to Mount Zermula and Zuc della Guardia 🔧🚶🏼‍♀️

Via Ferrata to Mount Zermula and Zuc della Guardia

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  • Curated by Claudio . Mountain Guides.

🗺️ Where is it located?

Region: Friuli-Venezia-Giulia
Province: UD
Municipality: Paularo

⛰️ Who is it suitable for?

Difficulty Toast , code EEA .

🤩 What are we doing?

A hike with limited altitude and extremely panoramic views of the war passes.
It has two via ferratas - “Amici della Montagna” at Zermula and “degli Alpini” at Zuc della Guardia - which are very educational for taking your first steps with a helmet, harness and dissipator.

🏔 Curiosities of the place

In 1478, a bloody clash took place in the Plan di Lanze between the Turks who were trying to cross the pass and the troops of the Serenissima, supported by the Carnic popular militias. The Turks were defeated and pushed back and Carnia was saved from their feared raids. Legend has it that the name, Plan di Lanze, derives from the spears abandoned on the field by the Turks.

🎯 Practical advice

Mandatory via ferrata kit. Via ferrata exposed to the north, therefore it is advisable, especially at the beginning and end of the season, to evaluate the possibility of snow on the via ferrata.
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Code: CAI 442-442/A
Distance: 6.28 km
Duration: 4 hours and 12 minutes
Elevation difference: 550.0 meters d+


Location: Cason di Lanza Pass
Altitude: 1565 m


Location: Mount Zermula
Altitude: 2143 m


Season: Summer

Resources and useful links to help you plan your excursion:

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